Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Russia after one Month

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Pictures out of Tomsk, special the beloved wooden houses

Here were 2 Week break. 2 Weeks in which I runes to university and made always the same home reading something, working something or just be lost in the internet. To be bored by himself can be anyway helpful, its the emotion which can push you in the end forward. I can remember that it was same in Estonia, so restart SIBERIA.

Do I have already a deeper look into the country? Hard to say, still what I hear in the Homemedia about Russia is scares me and I try to compare with my reality here. Putinism is in fact a real existing lost Soviet-republic with the Tradition of orthodox church and Russian Empire. Bringing together these contrasts together makes me some headache I have to say.
You can feel it when you go to post, to public administration, train stations or when you want to pay your rent and you have to go to 3 different persons until you can give your money away. Everything run very slow, hierarchic and with a lot of staff.
On the other hand the stories of empty shops are not true, but true is that is comparing with wages in Russia and prices in Germany its fucking expansive.
What is interesting too is that nobody of the professors I met was defending the Government, maybe thats the Reason why they teach in Siberia and not in St.Petersburg and Moskva :-). More I hear critic on system, connected with a "but thats Russia" and the fear what comes after Putin? Nobody knows, so People stay silent, thats my first impression. But wasent the powerlessness often the beginning of Uprises?

The other big Move is that September is gone and with the September the last late Sommer and Autumn Days yesterday everything is snow covered and it give me a peaceful feeling, like it would cover my worries and invite me to break out of my integrationphase into a Discoveringperiode.

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