Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013

step1 Go East

The wind is blowing, its cold and wet. In front of me are trees. birch, white Trees, they are standing in two lines, right and left from the street. I go on this street, see the long street and see the long way I gone through the the last years. This kind of trees, mixed with the cold whether and the warming memories....oh its so home, its so east.
And yes I´m home, its my old german hometown, its the way to the castle of my hometown, a way gone very often. Its like to meet your own past, like a old friend and the old friend, a little boy, is asking you: "What have you done in the last year since you have been here?"
 Oh I was in poland you know, I worked with kids, I find a lot of friends, we had a lot of fun...I learned a lot about other cultures and
 I met a Girl, but she...
 The little boy was listing but now he see that I became silent. "What happen, what have you done?"
 I ansewer : She is gone.
The little boy looks to me and I cant answer, he dosent understand and I probably also dont understand.
The streets came to a end I see a old man going through the autum, totally alone...may be he have also a meeting with the past. The forest which is now in front of me is so colourful and full of life, but the sky is grey and angry, autum is a time of contrasts. The fight in nature is coming to our hearts and souls and become our fights, but every dieing is the beginning of renewing. The little boy begins to run...he screams "dont think so much, catch me if you can." I look to the right and look to the left... Nobody is I run, I follow to a hill, finally catch him and see where I´m now. In front of me the boy is playing with my grandparents, playing in the wind, playing in the autum, in the leaves. Grandfather says "The Wind is going to east follow boy" The boy try to controll the kite in the wind, after a while he just lay down in the grass and see in the sky, dreams away, Grandfather controlls the kite now...I look to him and think:" I dont wonder about anything when I see this boy..."I go forward until the top of the hill beautiful proud trees on the right side, but then a gap, somebody cut my childhood, a street in the middle of a hill, a street in the middle of my childhood. How I can come back to the other side. I cant jump so far and I cant fly, so I stand their and wonder. Just the words of of Grandfather in the ears "The wind goes to east, follow!"